

 Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/FittestWinner

FWC Student 2013 2

Welcome to the Fittest Winner Student Competition

If you would like to register your team, please click the “Team registration” tab in the above menu ^^^ .

Once registered, you can come back every week on Wednesday and report your teams total weight and minutes exercised using the “report” tab located above, or e-mailing your reporting information to kmstanfill@alaska.edu.

The competition begins Tuesday, October 8th, 2013.

The competition lasts 8 weeks, and will feature teams  who wish to win prizes for achieving their fitness goals. This is not a weight loss competition, we will base a majority of your score on exercise per person per week. Teams with more members do not have an advantage, as the scores are averaged among team sizes. Registration closes on October 18th, 2013.

During the competition we may feature events where your name will be entered into a drawing to receive fun prizes just for participating.

If you have any questions about our program, please visit the FAQ section of our page. And remember, keep on moving!

Like us on facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/fwcstudent

– FWC Program Director

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